Sunday, June 6, 2010

King James on Larry King

I watched Lebron on Larry King friday night. I was quite surprised at the interview. Larry asked questions about the personal life of Lebron. He talked about his family, friends and future plans. After watching the show I still did not know too much more about Lebron than I knew before. He is a young man who has reached out to people like Warren Buffet for financial advice, he still confers with his high school buddies and he has two sons but no plans of marrying their mother his girlfriend. I was also surprised that Larry did not ask Lebron about the alleged affair between his mom and his team mate. Well so much for a juicy interview.
The one segment that did touch me and although he said he was really not affected by not knowing his father his body language suggested that there were some emotional issues there. The one question that Larry asked that Lebron seemed to skate around was about his future plans a s a free agent. Apparently he has not made a decision and July 12th (I believe) will be the day that the world will know, where in the world is Lebron"King" James going? Will it be Chicago? Well the President himself would like to see Lebron with the Bulls. Will it be NYC? Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg wants him there. Or will Lebron stay close to home? Time will tell but one thing we know for sure and that is "King James" wants to win and he will go to a winning team. Being a native Clevelander I think he wont stay in Cleveland too much longer. What do you think? Now that I am in Georgia I want him to come here to Atlanta. Follow ATL native singer Usher is part team owner of the Cavaliers but he lives here in Atlanta. After the upset this past season with Cleveland's lost both of these young men need to team up right here in the "Dirty South" .

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